Reply To: Crypto balance stolen at

roguelikeme WANTED $1

Hello! Longtime lurker, first time posting.

I just wanted to point out that even “normal” casinos are full of shit — I’ve had several really tedious arguments about really petty things (e.g. a bonus on BetFred that didn’t pay out and wouldn’t load, eventually the money got paid into my account and I can make a guess at what happened but they didn’t want to be helpful about it). A casino like BC, which is not regulated, is unlikely to admit to anything that might amount to wrongdoing which they can be sued for. Even big, legitimate companies have a tendency to lie about data breaches (23andMe covered it up for a bit, I think). The fact this has happened to two customers within a short space of time would suggest they’ve been hacked and either don’t realise it yet or do, and won’t admit it (for aforementioned reasons).

This is the problem with Crypto Casinos. Great entertainment value for someone like Steve who doesn”t particularly want the hassle of living within two jurisdictions just for a bonus buy and auto spins but the Gambling Commission should probably realise that a bunch of restrictions on the industry have not stopped the industry from being incredibly predatory* and has had this secondary effect of pushing people into the Wild West of the internet.

*has had no effect on problem gambling which is ultimately a social issue.